Estimated Start Date: 15/11/2019 (M1)
Estimated End Date: 14/11/2022 (M36)
P1- AU-Plovdiv– BG
Co- leaded by 1 contact person in each partner institutions in EG
All partners
Project Management is the planning, organizing, scheduling, leading and controlling of a work activity to reach an objective on time and within budget.
The methodology of this project management will be discussed – agreed at kick off meeting. A democratic decision-making process will be respected. Central management team consisted of coordinator; beneficiaries from each partner will held meetings: the first one organized as official kick-off meeting and the other meetings during implementation of the activities. The proposal itself already had specified all required actions to be performed for realization of activities to reach the outcomes of the project. As coordinator was participated in a former Tempus and Erasmus projects and skilled with experiences on best case studies projects with high impact; We will adopt the best from this successful projects and strictly respect the agreement and contract articles with EACEA.
Project Management will be conducted in a participative style, with designated WP leaders who will become part of the Project Management Team(PMT) overseen by the Coordinator. Various methods of communication will be employed to ensure the project runs smoothly and successfully.
The project coordinator with the rest of the consortium will produce timely, on budget and on target project results as detailed in the work plan.
The willingness to travel several times a year to meet partners in understanding and in getting help. Additional meetings will be seemed easier via remote resources (e.g., computer issues). As video conferencing tools or programs (e.g., Adobe Connnect, Webex, Skype, Google Hangout, Zoom) will be the primary means for the remote communications to discuss project issues and management instructions among partners, to overcome the feelings of disconnection. Actively listening to the faculty and students during the conversations helped understand their information needs. This served as the basis to initiate any targeted stakeholders.
# Tasks and responsibilities of the coordinator (P1) i.e.
- Setting and assuring the work-plan, time schedule, and the budget for each activity and ensure that they match the declared objectives.
- To receive and distribute the overall grant proportionally to the costs incurred
- To function as a contact point for help and information for all partners.
- To ensure successful realization of planned milestones for project activities.
- To collect and keep necessary documentation of the project.
- To draft and submit the project reports to the European Commission.
- Install and conduct steering committee meetings
- Ensure day to day management, communication and transparency
- Realise administrative and financial grant agreement rules
# Tasks and responsibilities of the coordinator (P1) i.e.
The project management team consists of each partner contact person supported by one project administrative staff assistant to follow up the project progress and evaluation.
# Tasks of Steering Committee (SC) are
- To undertake all overall decisions on strategy, schedule and management,
- Handling, reporting of the project tasks implementation,
- Confirming quality control procedures and
- Realizing the requirements of the grant agreement.
# Tasks of Steering Committee (SC) are
- To fulfil the activities described in the work plan;
- To implement tasks on time by the staff.
- To submit regular reports about the progress of the project.
- To assure dissemination of the outcomes to all mentioned target groups
- To organize different mobility’s of staff and trainees.
Expected Deliverable/ Results/ Outcomes
Work Package and Outcome | 8.1. | |||||||
Title | Technical Coordination Plan (Kick-off meeting for Financial and administrative) of the project
and Steering Committee appointed |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description |
INPUTS: Cost of—Project leader staff representative from each Egypt and EU partners = -x xx partners x 5 days + facilities + and international travel and stay costs. + costs of invited key persons to need domestic travel and stay costs Venue: P1- AU-Plovdiv –BG |
Due date | One week / M1 (Nov. -Dec. 2018) |
Work Package and Outcome | 8.2. | ||||||
Title | Preparation of 1st; 2nd and 3rd year work Plan for implementation and Day to day management implementation in project sites | ||||||
Type | ☒ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | Panel of contact persons administrative staff and accountant X 3 meetings
Expected Deliverable: reports (En)
Performance indicators will be used in:
Due date | 2nd week / M13/Y2 –2nd week / M25/Y3 |
Work Package and Outcome | 8.3. | |
Title | Project steering committee meetings | |
Type |
☐ Teaching material ☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event ☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description |
Steering committee (SC) meetings (every 6 months) will be organized to evaluate the current project progress and make decisions for further actions. These are extremely important to address the key decision-making personnel in project realization and implementation. Steering committee makes decisions on activities to be taken to fulfil the project outcomes encountering the performance indicators. The meetings will focus on realized activities and eventual reschedule; analysis of results and outcomes. SC composed out of 3 EU partners and 6 PC institutions, is elected after project approval including all WP leaders, First SC meeting is scheduled for M1 to clarify roles and responsibilities and tasks for the project start phase during Kick off meeting (WP 8.1). The main tasks of SC are: 1) to undertake all overall decisions on the project strategy, schedule and management, 2) Handling, reporting of the project tasks implementation, 3) confirming quality control procedures and 4) realizing the requirements of the grant agreement. During the 3 years of the project life time 6 meeting will be held at EU and partner country institutions. Year 1 milestones: After preparation phase in M4-M5; milestones are planned for outputs 1.1., 1.2. and M6 for activity trace delivery in respect of timeline & cost overrun. Also for outputs:
Year 2 milestones: After M 12 and M18 for the following outcomes:
Year 3 milestones: After M 22 and M28 for the following outcomes:
After M30, M34 for project outcomes and impact
Due date | 1 week / M6, M12/Y1- / M17, M23/Y2 – M28, M34 in Y3 |
Work Package and Outcome | 8.4. | ||
Title | Preparation of first project report | ||
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | – Representative of each partner of the consortium and audit will meet one month at coordinator before to prepare the first report to be submitted to EACEA headquarter by the grant applicant. The meeting will cover and report the following subjects:
Panel of contact persons X 1 meeting Venue: P1 |
Due date | 2 wks/M18 |
Work Package and Outcome | 8.5. | ||
Title | Preparation of final project report | ||
Type |
☐ Teaching material ☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event ☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description |
– Representative of each partner of the consortium and external audit/ accountant will meet one month before to prepare the final report to be submitted to EACEA headquarter by the grant applicant. The meeting will cover and report the following subjects:
INPUTS: Panel of contact persons + financial Audits represent all partners (Egypt and EU partners) X 5 days meeting Venue: P1- AU-Plovdiv-BG |
Due date | M32-M36/ 2021 |