Estimated Start Date: 15/02/2020 (M4)
Estimated End Date: 14/11/2022 (M36)
P4 (MAU-Egypt)
All partners
- Estimated cost of sustainable activities is covered through the potential sponsors and funding sources
- The participating HEIs are well connected locally and in the region to disseminate project results and information on the new study programme.
- National and international meetings and other synergies for dissemination are exploited as well.
- low student motivation to apply in the DPCP program
- Willingness of non-involved region universities to accept project results
- Identify the “weak” points and pivot, allowing the project to achieve a higher impact
- To capture market opportunities linked to sustainability and to put dissemination/exploitation plans in action
The objectives of WP7 (Dissemination and Exploitation) are:
Alll the WP7 deliverables and results will be checked and monitored using a set of milestones start after task implementation in Years (1), (2) and (3)
Strategy and description of WP7
A comprehensive dissemination plan (different activities) is designed, targeting different stakeholders. The corresponding activities to realise an effective dissemination plan are categorised.
Our project will undertake all three levels of dissemination (awareness; understanding and action) through each of the project stages in turn. As firstly the project will define its potential audience to be aware of its aims and objectives, they will then become interested enough to wish a more detailed understanding. Involvement in both two levels will provide the basis for dissemination for action. We will Start early to increase the impact of dissemination.
The following different types of dissemination methods will include;
- Mailing Lists; Newsletters; Website.
- Conferences: Such well-organized event can reap huge benefits
- Workshops: it will target groups of participants that involve a much higher and more active level of engagement
- For “hands-on” session allowing participants to try out materials and approaches.
- One-to-One: We will make one-to-one contact with people can be a heavy drain on resources for the project, we will target key people who we be believe they will enhance the chances of success of our project.
- Media: news coverage, whether at a national or local level, will be made to increase the profile of the project greatly and reach very wide stockholders.
The project sustainability Plan depends on:
Assumption = The project corresponds to the specific needs and constraints of the partner countries and especially of the target groups and innovative enough to remain attractive in the future.
# Risks = Weak spirit and enthusiasm among partners or stockholders due to national or international cooperation may stop at the end of the project without endangering its sustainability.
To achieve exploitation of the projects,
- Specify the exploitation plans of the project aligned with the market trends for each partner individually.
- Establish and manage exploitation activities with an external advisory board.
The DPCP consortium will combines expertise from a range of organisations (research institutes, universities and commercial stakeholders), and across multiple disciplines, including agriculture, food technology and crop protection.
During the project, the consortium will exploit their combined expertise to deliver the project aims, and seek opportunities to disseminate their contributions. Following project completion, knowledge gained and prototypes/new technologies developed, will be exploited in each partner’s
Cross-border exploitation
- Exploitation of results gained by all partners in East, North, Middle and South of Egypt. All project members will receive project deliverables, invited to WP6 workshops and be regularly updated on progress.
- The materials produced (studies, teacher education modules) will be offered on HEs Insight knowledge base, where legacy materials from projects are held in a structured and easily-accessible format.
National exploitation and sustainability
Partners will continue to work in Plant Clinic program and sustain the activities after project close.
The University support and the revenue of study fees paid by students. Also; the domestic student mobility to study specific courses at Egyptian partners and the cost of travel and stay is affordable by students to other Egyptian partner universities.
The need for co-operation and sharing, for harnessing technology to help those with Plant Clinic technology for staff training and student education will continue and the partner organisations are committed to meeting these needs. Partners’ web sites will also integrate materials.
Sustainability plan will depend on creating stronger links between universities and agri-businesses is an important part for improving agriculture economic performance in partner country institutes while maintaining excellence in higher education.
Post-project sustainability is guaranteed by the commitment of PC HEIs to develop and sustain their respective program. Each partner university has an ICT unit/administration that is responsible for managing the institution’s servers and network devices. Policies will be implemented at each PC HEI so that the Plant Clinic program will be integrated with the ICT infrastructure, and will be fully embedded in the institution’s strategy for special distinguished educational programs recognized internationally.
- Commercial training opportunities and consultancy will be offered by the trained staff at PC HEIs to train staff at ministries, public institutions and industries as part of lifelong learning initiatives. This will provide income to sustain the updating of training materials over time.
A set of activities will be implemented in the sustainability work package as:
- Legal framework agreement between partners and farmer’s associations and agric. Private and public sectors in PC countries for marketing and selling the training, license and on farm services to solve production and export constraints according to Global standards. Such legal agreements will activate the role of higher education universities with the rural society; producers and agricultural retail companies to ensure long run sustained collaboration.
- Our current and new capacity building of staff and new facilities at partner universities will be able to participate in the new plant health clinics program it will ensure training opportunities in the future to serve the rural society with paid services.
- Paid services for transferring novel experience gained in new courses and consultation for solving Plant diseases and Pests by bio-control methods for Public and private Agriculture.
- Paid services for transferring novel experience gained in new courses and consultation for solving agriculture production problem for standardization by authorized experts and
- On-site assessment will provide another revenue source.
- Creating stronger links between universities and agri-businesses is an important part for improving Egypt Agriculture economic performance while maintaining excellence in higher education.
- The organization for Economic cooperation and development defines an innovation as any new knowledge introduced into and used in an economic or social process .
- Labs and plant clinics at partner universities will be able to participate in the Diagnostic Network diagnosis and training opportunities in the future to serve the rural society with paid services.
DISSEMINATION & EXPLOITATION (WP7) will be leaded by P4 (MAU-Egypt) to cover all the project sites and broad range of stakeholders.
All partners involved in WP7 will deliver report on their implemented tasks to the WP local leaders who will make general conclusion report to the coordinator (P1).
Staff committee represent Egyptian partners + 3 EU staff will participate in dissemination plan design, implementation at all partner locations in National, regional and international levels. The new DPCP Program WEBSIT (WP7.3.) will be established as a main website at P1 and P4 and a links of main website in each institution, regular update monthly or bimonthly and on demanded by web editors assigned for this job. A dozen tasks are very important because dissemination is a key factor that affects the success of this project. Such a strategy will spread information about the project objective but will also ensure exploitation, capability, and valorisation of the project results.
Plenary and press conference
Project operational plan of dissemination
Inauguration of new DPCP Program WEBSITES
Seminars, meetings and symposia in the field of phytosanitary
Distribution by communication media…to diffusion of DPCP program
Field days
Project operational plan of exploitation
Sustainability Plan
Workshop to create a new chances (sustainability) among Consortium
Legal Framework Agreements and business contracts
Laboratory and field analysis paid services
Set UP Consultation and Training Centers (CTC)
Expected Deliverable/ Results/ Outcomes
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.1. | ||||
Title | Plenary and press conference | ||||
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | The official launch of the project will be organized after partners internal agreement signed on early 2020 in conjunction with the first meeting of the management Committee. After this initiation followed by a press conference with the press release and formal meetings with all relevant project partners. Three separate days for Plenary and press conference at P4, P6 and P8 project sites in Egypt represent East, North, Middle and South regions.
The purpose of the events and meeting is to present the objectives of the project, issues related the DPCP diploma program and to exchange experiences related to the implementation of similar projects. This event is to provide the project assumptions, the possibility for commercialization of innovative solutions by university staff and the perspectives for cooperating companies. In addition to the organizers, the talks will be led by representatives of the university authorities and representatives of innovative companies in food industries and agriculture that have achieved commercial success. The event will end with a discussion panel with the possibility of participation for all interested persons. It will be a perfect opportunity for entrepreneurs, local government representatives and business institutions as well as academic staff of the Mediterranean universities to familiarize with the current pro-innovative processes and their impact on the economy of the Mediterranean Region. Participation in conferences is free of charge. The organizer will provide all participants hand-outs. Persons interested in participating in conferences should fill out an application form online and submit electronically to the Project Office. |
Due date | 3 separate days in M3 to M4 |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.2. | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | This task will develop, design and update dissemination plans during and beyond the project close to ensure maximum and visibility and impact of the project outcomes.
The main objectives for this work package are the key elements of a dissemination plan: Purpose All dissemination should have a purpose, and support or inform project development in some way. The purpose of the activity may be to: – Raise awareness – let others know what you are doing – Inform – educate the community – Engage – get input/feedback from the community – Promote – ‘sell’ our outputs and results. Defining the purpose of dissemination is a first step to decide on the audience, message, method and timing of the dissemination. Stakeholders The dissemination process depends on who we want to reach and what they can do for your project. Therefore, the different individuals, groups, and organisations that will be interested in the project and its results need to be identified and informed. For that purpose, use can be made of the results of the stakeholder analysis. The following stakeholders may be considered: – Internal stakeholders. The members of the project consortium and our own institution need to stay well informed about the progress of the project. Adequate internal dissemination can also ensure that the project has a high profile. – External stakeholders. Persons, who will benefit from the outcomes of the project, as well as “opinion makers” such as teachers, researchers, librarians, publishers, online hosts, etc., can act as catalysts for the dissemination process. – The community. It is likely that certain elements of the project, such as guidelines, methods, evaluation criteria, questionnaires, etc. can be used by a wider audience than the specific target group. These elements can be shared with the wider community through articles, conference presentations, case studies, etc. Finally, this task will also identify and use key indicators for measuring the effectiveness of the dissemination strategies that will be used in DPCP Program (e.g., number of subscribers to newsletters and DPCP Program blogs and social networks, number of hits/downloads of DPCP Program material in the project’s web site). INPUTS : Cost of–staff /partner X9 partners x2 days + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs Venue : P4 (MAU- Egypt) |
Due date | 2 weeks (M3) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.3. | |
Title | Inauguration of new DPCP Program WEBSITES | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☒ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☒ Service/Product |
Description | The new PDPCP Program WEBSITE will play a pivotal role in the overall dissemination strategy. Serving as the main means of online communication between consortium and its established community. It particularly includes a News area, an Events Calendar, a dedicated Resources area, where various DPCP program results such as recommendation reports, surveys, position statements, etc.
The main project website is prepared and launched in English until M6 and maintained throughout the project life time with links to respective Bi-language websites (En/Ar) at Egypt partners. * Events Calendar It is a convenient widget appearing directly in the home page of the portal. Its purpose is to consolidate, organize by date, and advertise well in advance the most important international, regional events (e.g. symposia, conferences, information days, workshops, press releases, etc.) INPUTS : Cost of x staff (academic + technical + administrative) X 9 partners x — days X 12 months) + facilities costs |
Due date | M2 start – regularly updated to M36 |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.4. | |
Title | Series of seminars, lectures in different topics of phytosanitary and plant health care | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☒ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | Description of task:
International, European, national and institutional strategies in good practices for enhancing attractiveness will be presented as well as Quality Assurance practices with regards to cross border higher education. – The focus of the seminar will be on exchanging ideas, expertise and good practices on issues of international interest concerning Higher Education Area. – Invitation to all relevant audience and program stakeholders and key leader in HE in non-partner organizations to expand the area of publicity of the new program – At the end the proposed recommendations regarding the issues examined. After discussion, the recommendations will be adopted and forwarded to the QA panel of the project to prepare impact study. INPUTS: Cost of academic staff and expert speakers = No. 9 seminars x each partner university in Egypt x 1 day + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs Invited lecturers from EU partners and associate partners Venue: At each partner university in Egypt |
Due date | 6 weeks (M19 -M24) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.5. | |
Title | Diffusion and distribution of the project to wide range of stakeholder using different tools of dissemination | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☒ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☒ Service/Product |
Description | In order to achieve a maximum impact, the results of the project’s activities will be continuously disseminated. This mainly involves project branding, publishing of project deliverables, identification of dissemination venues and coordination of participation with project partners; audience targeting; impact assessment and reporting of dissemination activities (supported by custom-developed tools); preparation of promotional materials (posters, brochures, stands etc.); stakeholder mapping (supported by custom-developed tools); Intellectual Property Management as well as Licensing and Exploitation Agreements.
Any suitable products of the following will be produced: WARES: (A) (1) Newspapers, magazines, periodicals, journals, (2) Printed matter, namely booklets, brochures, newspapers, supplements to newspapers, periodicals, magazines flyers and journals, (3) Electronic publishing, namely booklets, brochures, newspapers, supplements to newspapers, periodicals, magazines, flyers and journals disseminated in whole or in part on the Internet via a portal, (4) Clothing, namely jackets, t-shirts, tank tops; hats, baseball caps, toques; sportswear, wristbands, (5) Accessories, namely umbrellas, glasses, sunglasses SERVICES: (B) (1) Media planning services, namely purchasing advertising in electronic media, and other media, and the administration and management of such services, all on behalf of others, (2) Arranging advertising across different media, namely the marketing of advertising opportunities in newspapers, periodicals and other printed matter, electronic media and other media, including the planning, acquisition and conducting of advertising contracts, (3) Publication of newspapers, magazines, journals and periodicals, (4) Publication of newspapers, magazines, journals, periodicals and printed matter, namely booklets, brochures, supplements to newspapers, periodicals, flyers and journals, (5) Development of electronic communications media INPUTS : Cost of — academic and administrative staff responsible of dissemination materials x 6 PC and 3 EU countries x — day /12months+ Cost of dissemination materials from each partner budget Venue : At each partner in Egypt and EU countries |
Due date | 12 weeks (M13-M24) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.6. | |
Title | Field days | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | The field day in cooperation with project associate partners at public and private agricultural companies will allow Plant Clinics doctors and academic advisers to earn on continuing education. The lectures are by different specialists and scientists cover different disciplines as, entomologists, plant pathologists and nematologists and even agronomist or horticulturist. Field days will be announced and done in the 2nd year (4 times every 3 months) of the project after complete setup of the clinics. All lectures, questions and answers and advises will be recorded, and reported.
INPUTS : Cost of — academic staff/ experts x 2 days /6 times Venue : At each partner university in Egypt |
Due date | 4 weeks (M25-M34) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.7. | |
Title | Project operational plan of exploitation | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | The project exploitation plan will describe the consortium and individual partner strategies. The exploitation plan will provide information about the potential results of the project and will define a proactive behaviour to patent them. The first step towards the exploitation of the project results is to clearly identify the project results and classify them accordingly to their commercial potential. The consortium will analyse the market to have a clear representation of its structure, its key players and their needs. The market will be continuously monitored to detect new trends and possibilities, which will allow the consortium to react to the market changes and adapt the investigations to the business model. The consortium will identify current and future competitors therefore outlining a comprehensive and comparative analysis of the project. Individual exploitation strategies will be developed after the user requirements have been clearly defined and realistic business models have been developed. The exploitation work will be focused on early adopters, to optimize time-to-market after the project end. Project exploitation will begin as soon as the validation model is operational and in parallel with the user test and validation.
This task intends to research and develop a fair and effective way to protect DPCP program while encouraging the adoption and use of the DPCP certification. This plan will help the consortium to make the most of the DPCP certification in commercial as well as research cloud environments while encouraging use of the technology by organizations across Europe. INPUTS : Meeting Cost of- academic and admirative staff responsible of exploitation and sustainability x 6 partners and 3 EU partners x – day) + facilities costs + international travel and stay costs Venue : P1, P5, P9 |
Due date | 3 weeks (M25-M26) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.8. | |
Title | Sustainability Plan | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | The sustainability plan will list the activities that will happen after the project ends so that the impact and the deliverables will continue to multiply. The aim being that the project continues to make an impact after the official end.
==sustainability plan will depend on creating stronger links between universities and agri-businesses is an important part for improving agriculture economic performance in partner country institutes while maintaining excellence in higher education. Post-project sustainability is guaranteed by the commitment of Egypt HEIs to develop and sustain their respective program. Each partner university has an ICT unit/administration that is responsible for managing the institution’s servers and network devices. Policies will be implemented at each PC HEI so that the Plant Clinic program will be integrated with the ICT infrastructure, and will be fully embedded in the institution’s strategy for special distinguished educational programs recognized internationally. – Commercial training opportunities and consultancy will be offered by the trained staff at Egyptian HEIs to train staff at ministries, public institutions and industries as part of lifelong learning initiatives. This will provide income to sustain the updating of training materials over time. A set of activities will be implemented in the sustainability work package as:
INPUTS: Cost of 6 academic staff QC = No. reports x no. represented partners + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs Venue: At each partner university in Egypt |
Due date | 4 weeks (M30-M31) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.9. | |
Title | workshop to create a new chances (sustainability) to extend cooperation among Consortium | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description |
Workshop recommendations will be published and officially disseminated to Partner HE Institutions and to use it in impact study as added values of the project. INPUTS: Meeting Cost of- academic and admirative staff responsible of exploitation and sustainability x Egyptian partners and EU partner countries x- day) + facilities costs + international travel and stay costs Venue : P5, P7 and P8 |
Due date | M33 (1 week) |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.10. | |
Title | Legal Framework Agreements and business contracts | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☒ Event
☒ Report ☐ Service/Product |
Description | Sustainability of the project beyond the project lifetime
– Legal framework to establish agreements in Terms of Reference (ToR) among partners and agro-industry companies for marketing and selling the laboratory and field services to solve production constraints due to diseases and pests. Such legal agreements will activate the role of higher education universities with the rural society; producers and agric. retail companies for pesticides and fertilizers to ensure long run sustained collaboration. P1, P4, P6 and P7 in 4 events in each region of East, North, Middle and South of Egypt will host other partner universities and will sign agreements with invited other private companies and other universities contracted to transfer the services. |
Due date | M 27 -M30 |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.11. | |
Title | Laboratory and field analysis paid services | |
Type | ☒ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☐ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☒ Service/Product |
Description | Sustainability of the project beyond the project lifetime
The Laboratory has analytical instruments and experience to perform a variety of methods, for the following purposes: Analysis of plant materials and soil for insect and nematode pests, bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens and to recommend appropriate control measures. Consultation& training on pest management and pesticide application. Equipped labs at partner universities will implement this service and start launch at 3rd project year by (xx academic staff + 12 technical staff + 6 administrative X 6 days) as co-finance task |
Due date | 48 weeks in continuous service 3rd Year |
Work Package and Outcome ref.nr | 7.12. | |
Title | Set UP Consultation and Training Centres (CTC) | |
Type | ☐ Teaching material
☐ Learning material ☒ Training material |
☐ Event
☒ Report ☒ Service/Product |
Description | Sustainability of the project beyond the project lifetime
A collaboration will be established among university departments and other research organisation associate partners to setup a joint Training and consultation centres that provide services for Public and private agriculture sector especially for Plant and plant product exporters and importers at each partner universities in Egypt and agreement will be signed. |
Due date | 6 weeks (M23-M24) |