Estimated Start Date: 01/02/2020
Estimated End Date: 30/09/2022

Lead Organization:
P7 (Suez Canal Univ) and Co-lead is P9 (Sohag Univ).

Participating Organization:

P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6; P8 and P9 (all partners). P7 will work closely with AU-Plovdiv (P1) on this work package. Although P1 is the Coordinator and will oversee all actions, the reason that P7 is the lead of this WP is so that the Partner institutions are involved in every aspect of Quality and Sustainability so that the impact of the project continues after the project officially ends.


The objectives of WP6 (QUALITY) are:


To deliver a chain of seminars lectures to transfer ideas, expertise and good practices on issues of international interest concerning Higher Education about Bologna process , EU- HE system and ECTS peculiarities, internalization and quality assurance by experts in each area.


To set up Quality Monitoring panel for quality analysis of the diploma programme


To deliver quality control reports on performance indicators, results and recommendations by external QC experts


To provide internal QC reports on teaching resources; trainings and assessment of Plant Clinics


To provide internal QC reports on dissemination activities and impact assessment

The aim of this work package also is to establish an internal operational framework for both:

PROCESSES: maintain a high quality of the overall project’s results.

STRUCTURES: a clear distinction of roles and responsibilities of all partners involved

Quality control and monitoring activities will be carried out based on the consolidated experience of the partners and in limited extent by external experts. As it can be seen, the work-plan is constructed according to the driving principles of the proposal, namely to be practical and to attain tangible and usable results. The partners staff will meet and asses the academic quality of project achievements (Training, teaching materials; plant clinics). The quality Committee from the Academic staff will review the progress of the project outcomes, dissemination and sustainability processes and carry out surveys of stakeholder’s opinion about the quality of services to rural society. The main purpose is to avoid possible mistakes, to improve the project weaknesses and to support development of the strong points. Creating this system of quality control on preparing highly qualified specialists including the model for quality management, system for quality of assessment, system for providing the quality and other means to improve the service quality.

The quality management will be led P7 (Eg) and Co-lead is P9 (Eg). They will be responsible for controlling activities of each work package based on the estimated schedule. The evaluation will be based on both qualitative and quantitative indicators (formulated in objectives, milestones, and deliverables) as well as benchmarks. Methodologies (interviews, questionnaires, self-assessment reports, evaluation surveys and site inspections) will be conducted to review the quality of each work package, targeting work package members, network stakeholders and students. External reviewers will be invited to evaluate the activity, to assess the progress of the project, to assess the effectiveness of the achieved programs, and to also submit recommendations for follow-up steps. As each work package group will benefit directly from the constructive feedback of the quality management it ensures the quality of the activities.

The close relationship between the project cycle phases and Quality control activities implies that increasing effectiveness and quality of projects through QA requires a forward thinking. It is necessary to answer the question “what do we need to do today to be able to assess a change tomorrow?” The first step will be ensuring the project availability since the beginning of the project cycle. Monitoring of the project activities: To clearly define the information needed by project coordinator, as well as information correspond to purposes of monitoring. 

Monitoring will focus on: 

  1. Physical progress (service release, implementation of foreseen activities);
  2. Process of management and eventually local capacity building;
  3. Preliminary response of target groups/stakeholders to project activities;
  4. Unexpected events and projects responses;
  5. the use of indicators efficiency; 
  6. Relationship with stakeholders, beneficiaries and local institutions.


All 6 partners of Egypt and 3 EU partners are involved in QC activities with subcontracted external experts for task 6.3
WP6 tasks are:


Seminars on QA, Bologna Process, ECTS system and Erasmus + program


Set up Quality Monitoring panel for quality analysis and prepare project risk management plant 


External Quality control of the DPCP program


Internal quality control of teaching resources; trainings and assessment of Plant Clinics


Internal quality control of dissemination activities and impact assessment


Expected Deliverable/ Results/ Outcomes

Work Package and Outcome 6.1.
Title Seminars on QA, Bologna Process, ECTS system and Erasmus + program in relation to Neighbouring Partner countries considering the quality Control references.
Type Teaching material

Learning material

Training material




  • In chains of seminars about the Bologna Process, ECTS system and Erasmus + program will be highlighted – the way it operates, what has been achieved so far and its links with other areas of the world. Moreover, international, European, national and institutional strategies and good practices for enhancing attractiveness will be presented as well as Quality Assurance practices with regards to cross border higher education.
  • The focus of the seminar will be on exchanging ideas, expertise and good practices on issues of international interest concerning Higher Education Area.
  • To present opportunities and strategies offered by the Erasmus + program to Higher Education Institutions and students.
  • Invitation to all relevant audience and program stakeholders and key leader in HE in non-partner organizations to expand the area of publicity of the new program
  • At the end, the proposed recommendations regarding the issues presented. After discussion, the recommendations will be adopted and forwarded to the QA panel of the project to prepare impact study.

INPUTS: Cost of academic staff and expert speakers = No. 4 seminars x 3 countries x 1 day + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs

Venue: At 4 partner universities in East, North, Middle and South of Egypt In collaboration with EU partners

Due date M17 – M24 (8 weeks)
Languages En/Ar
Work Package and Outcome 6.2.
Title Set up Quality Monitoring panel for quality analysis of the diploma programme and prepare risk management plan
Type Teaching material

Learning material

Training material




Description  The panel of staff will follow up the project workflow.

The groups will write reports based  on peer-reviewing and on the participants’ satisfaction and evaluation surveys consists of performance indicators, results and recommendations, including e.g.:

  • quality of pre-analysis 
  • quality of procedure to analyse the existing collaborations
  • quality of procedure to identify and invite suitable stakeholders

To prepare a risk management plane for the project 

The purpose of this task is to provide a risk management framework for the PRO-DPCP project, to ensure that adverse situations are properly managed along the evolution of the project.

This plan documents the processes, tools and procedures that will be used to manage and control those events that could have a negative impact. It exposes the proposed risk management approach of the project for managing and controlling all project risks.

Moreover, this plan will address the roles and responsibilities of the organization, the risk identification, as well as risk assessment and mitigation plane.

Risk identification is analysed throughout the life-cycle of the PRO-DPCP project. 

The following issues shall be considered as tools and techniques for risk identification:

– Analysis of deliverable status

– Analysis of WP schedules and scopes

– Regular communication of the Management team with the WP leaders


INPUTS: Cost of 8 academic staff QC = No. reports 6 x no. partners  x 2 day + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs

Venue: At each partner university in Egypt

In collaboration with EU partners

Due date M3-M6 (3 weeks)
Work Package and Outcome 6.3.
Title External Quality control of the DPCP program
Type Teaching material

Learning material

Training material




Description  External subcontracted experts, familiar with EU projects and expert in the field but independent from the project team, will write the report commenting on the quality of the actions of the Project Team and the quality of the deliverables.

This report consists of performance indicators, results and recommendations 

INPUTS: Cost of 2-3 expert staff QC = No. reports x -day + facilities costs + domestic travel and stay costs

Venue: At each partner university in Egypt

In collaboration with EU partners

Due date M16-M19 (4 weeks)
Work Package and Outcome 6.4.
Title Internal quality control of teaching resources; trainings and assessment of Plant Clinics
Type Teaching material

Learning material

Training material




Description  Project QC panel staff  will provide quality reports on :

  •  teaching resources
  • training materials
  • Map and agree over scope and scale of macro issues that affect/will be affected by the project.
  • Discuss options to mitigate adverse impacts.
  • Sensitize stakeholders to the need for monitoring and evaluation of the project on an on-going basis.
  • Identify specific capacity needs for entities within the communities, including households, likely to be recipients of development assistance.
  • monitor the module format, outline and methodology.
  • examine trainings with student-trainers on participatory training methods and module development.
  • Provide support and supervision to the student-trainers as they implement and validate the training methodology and content.
  • To oversee the publication of the module in the appropriate local language.
  • relevance and quality of existing teaching resources to the field of sustainability and innovation in teaching resources quality of resource platform

To allow plant clinic staff and their supervisors to define the quality criteria and monitoring methods themselves will help raise awareness about clinic performance and improve self-assessment skills. Monitoring visits will be done more consciously and systematically and to monitor indications on register management and decision-making processes to improve clinics as well as staff motivation. Monitoring protocols and quality assessment will be done for plant clinics operation.

Due date 3 weeks of M5-M6
Work Package and Outcome 6.4.
Title Internal quality control of teaching resources; trainings and assessment of Plant Clinics
Type Teaching material

Learning material

Training material




Description  Project QC panel staff  will provide quality reports on :

  •  teaching resources
  • training materials
  • Map and agree over scope and scale of macro issues that affect/will be affected by the project.
  • Discuss options to mitigate adverse impacts.
  • Sensitize stakeholders to the need for monitoring and evaluation of the project on an on-going basis.
  • Identify specific capacity needs for entities within the communities, including households, likely to be recipients of development assistance.
  • monitor the module format, outline and methodology.
  • examine trainings with student-trainers on participatory training methods and module development.
  • Provide support and supervision to the student-trainers as they implement and validate the training methodology and content.
  • To oversee the publication of the module in the appropriate local language.
  • relevance and quality of existing teaching resources to the field of sustainability and innovation in teaching resources quality of resource platform

To allow plant clinic staff and their supervisors to define the quality criteria and monitoring methods themselves will help raise awareness about clinic performance and improve self-assessment skills. Monitoring visits will be done more consciously and systematically and to monitor indications on register management and decision-making processes to improve clinics as well as staff motivation. Monitoring protocols and quality assessment will be done for plant clinics operation.

Due date 3 weeks of M5-M6