1.1. Stakeholder assessment study SVU
1.1. Stakeholder assessment study SCU
1.1. Stakeholder assessment study MAU-ASU
1.1. Stakeholder assessment study ALU
1.1. Stakeholder assessment study by SOU
1.1.Questionnaire for Stakeholder needs analysis
1.2. Agricultural Extension Services in Hungary
1.2. Staff visist for Benchmarking Study to UNINA by SCU
1.2. Staff visist for Benchmarking Study to AUP by SCU
1.2. Staff visist for Benchmarking Study to UNINA by SVU
1.2. Staff visit for Benchmarking Study to AUP by SOU
1.3. Report_Staff need for training in modern plant clinic techniques SOU
1.4. Guide for Good Plant Clinic Practices and Services_AUP
1.5. Report_Terms of Reference to establish network_SOU
1.5. Terms of reference to establish Plant Clinic network signed_SCU
2.1 task Need analysis of equipment SCU
2.1. Need of equipment and teaching materials
2.2 task Training class room SCU report
2.2. Provision of space for Plant clinic_SCU
2.3. Public tender of equipment_SCU
2.4 task Need of Books to purchase SCU
2.4. Need of Books to purchase_SCU
SOU_P9_need of Equipment table
WP2 report Purchase of equipment MAU
WP2.2_Report_Provision of space for Networktraining centers
WP2.3_Evidence_Public Tender call for Purchasing of equipment’s done
3.1. Developing of Staff training plan_SCU
3.2. National agreement among partners for joint cooperation
3.3. Training of academic staff on ESTC by EU experts_SOU
3.4. Training the trainers (TTT) on Plant clinic techniques_SOU
3.5. Training technical staff on new equipment
3.6. Administrative in PC trained on ECTS system_SCU
3.7. E-learning and network developers trained_SCU
3.8. Internship agreements with sponsors from public or private sectors_SCU
3.8. Internship agreements with sponsors_SOU
3.9. Training of students in practical field and lab study and internship_SCU
3.9. Training of students in practical field and lab study and internship_SOU
3.10. Short training program (every three months) conducted_SCU
3.10. Short training program certificate for farm assurer_SOU
3.1 task Training activities plan SCU-محول
ECTS in desinging a program, EQF, Bloom’s taxonomy
dAlessandro_Introduction to ECTS_29 Nov.21
Gioia_ Online Course Presentation_ 29 Nov.21
UNIDEB Good_practices_and_challenges
From strategic partnership to Erasmus Mundus Joint master UDWiwczaroski
4.1. Similar programmes in the world revised
4.2. Development of teaching methodologies Report
4.3. PRO-DPCP program specification
4.4. Teaching resource platform developed and web access
4.1 Similar programmes in the world joint
4.3. PRO-DPCP program specification
Course specification Weed biology and control
Course specification Quarantine
Course specification Diagnosis of Plant Bacterial Disease
Course specification Pesticid action and application techniques
Course specification Nematodes
Course specification Internship & Graduation diploma report
Course specification Field diagnosis of insect damage
Course specification Field diagnosis of plant disease caused by fungi
5.1. New DPCP program accredited – accreditation process
5.5. Select and enroll second group of students_SOU
5.5. Students selection rules_SOU_ Arab language
5.6. Evaluation of students graduation thesis and internship reports_SOU
5.7. Graduation ceremony of 1st group DPCP students_SOU
5.1 PRO-DPCP regulation accredited SCU
Date of official accreditation of the Diploma SCU
7.1. Plenary&press events at 3 sites Egyptian partners
7.2. Dissemination operational plan developed
7.3. Inauguration of the new DPCP program website
7.9. Agreement among EG partner universities for joint cooperation- Signed
7.10. Agreement between SCU and private company
7.12. Consultation and Training Centers set up SCU report
7.12. English translation of financial regulations decision of Plant Clinic Unit
Agreement among EG partner universities for joint cooperation- Signed
Exploitation&Sustainability Plan WP7
Dissemination and Sustainability plan
Set up of Consultation and Training Centers SCU
SCU – Project operational plan of dissemination
Seminar on PRO-PDC Pprogram at SCU
Poster for PRO-DPCP at the AU-Plovdiv
Journal article for the new Plant clinic program in SCU
TV presentation of the Plant clinic program